Our Foundations


Our students are constantly asked to demonstrate the physical, mental, and moral strength to persevere in difficult situations. Responsibility is built into the fabric of daily life at THS. Students know that they need to own their education and take the first steps in asking for extra help or planning ahead for absences. Constantly stepping out of their comfort zones, students perform in theatrical productions, organize marches, and present their research in public forums.

The students care about doing well and are encouraged to try new experiences. For example, both of my boys enjoyed their first experience acting on stage at Hudson because theater is built into the curriculum. The sleepaway trips were also fantastic growth experiences.

Kim H, Current & Alumnus Parent


Compassion is at the core of The Hudson School life. Teachers and students participate in daily spirited discussion and vigorous debate, yet compassion is the foundation of learning at THS. We seek to help students experience the power of kindness in all that we do, from the everyday athletic competitions and academic group work to extraordinary local and international community service projects.

It was (and is) a nurturing environment, where we were not only challenged academically, we were pushed to engage with the community and the world, and immersed in social justice issues. We were taught to “walk the walk” as well as “talk the talk.” 

Cristin C.P., Alumna


A commitment to noble causes, academic endeavors, and personal integrity is central to a THS education. Not every student will breeze through their math class, but a Hudson student knows that attending math lab, meeting with his/her teacher between classes, and checking homework with a classmate will earn respect and teach them more than a few formulas. We seek to graduate students who have the skills and willingness to commit to working for a more humane, civil, and just world.

In my 20 years at Hudson I have had many students point out to me that I had not marked something incorrect on their test and, as a result, I should take those points off and lower their grade!

Jeff Gould, Social Studies Teacher


Values in Action: Faculty Stories


THS students have always displayed a passion for social justice issues. This has never been more evident than when they marched for gun control in the wake of the Parkland school shooting. Student leaders came to together to organize a school wide walkout to express desire for elected officials to take meaningful action in passing sensible federal gun reform legislation. The morning of the march students wrote letters to congress. They filled out voter registration forms. They created buttons, t-shirts, and signs. Students then marched through Hoboken, chanting for change. 

The march ended at city hall, where THS students chanted and gave impassioned speeches to the mayor, townspeople, reporters, and TV cameras in front of them.


That day, Hudson students took their lives and their futures into their own hands. They took to the streets demanding change. Having one’s voice heard is often scary. It takes courage to stand up and be heard. Our students possessed both the courage and the commitment to fight for what they believed in. 

Chris Baker, Upper School Division Head


It's a crisis in the World Peace Game: sunken treasure worth billions is sitting there, waiting to be dug up. 

The money can be used to feed millions who are starving. The catch? A near extinct life form has made its home on the surface of the treasure chest. Moving or touching it in any way will end this creature's existence forever. One sixth grader gathers several nations to a treaty that would dig the treasure out in order to save the starving millions, but there is a shadow in the room. The moral implications of destroying this unique life brings questions to the floor. Isn't there another way? What's more important, life or money? The room hesitates. Finally, the whole sixth grade reaches an agreement: Money can't be the only solution. The leader of the group dramatically tears the treaty in two, and everyone works together to find another way. 

Catharine Baldwin, Retired Teacher


During a track meet, a senior wanted a chance to win a medal in one of her final races as a Hudson student. Two of her teammates had just finished a grueling race. I noticed that only 4 teams signed up for the 4X400 meter relay and the top 5 in each event received medals.  I said jokingly, “Hey girls, All you have to do is finish the race and you will win a medal!”

The senior, who hadn’t raced in about an hour and was well rested said, “Please girls! Let’s go do it!  I don’t care what place we come in!” The 400 meter race is a pretty grueling race, especially if you are not used to running it AND had just finished running the 200 meter dash. Well with the courage that only THS students can show, the girls WON the race and received the GOLD medal! The senior was forever grateful to her teammates in one of the most inspiring and proud moments I have ever had as a coach.

Dan Burrell, Athletic Director & Alumnus